About Us

Get to Know Us

Like many others, I was sitting at home in March 2020 contemplating life and submitting to the dystopian way of living during the pandemic. I took this opportunity to revisit some of my favorite childhood amine series and binge any new releases. My daughter was finally interested enough and watched Sakura Card Capture in its entirety and now we have this shared interest to nerd out over (๑>◡<๑)

I always dreamed of owning my own company one day. The idea of creating something of my own to pass to my daughter was appealing to me, but it was the understanding of what being an entrepreneur can do, like affording me the luxury of changing and empowering the lives of those around me that really motivated me.

I always had a creative spirit and wanted to have a career that was hands-on. With my previous field, I created dental appliances so I have the aptitude to create art from nothing. After 10 plus years of dental experience, I decided to do research on creating handmade natural products. I have a deep love home fragrances and keeping my home as a sanctuary. With a lit candle I feel accomplished even if my life is falling apart.. Thus, Scentai Studio was born.

I took my love of anime and candles, and decided to curateded a brand that represented who I am. I could not find amine candles that really represented that elevated luxury look and an aesthetic otaku merchandise. It started as a way to keep busy and to stay focused on a goal that helped me cope with my anxiety and depression. I received multiple inquires about purchasing, so I decided to turn this passion project into my livelihood. 

After four years of trials and errors, I'm proud to launch Scentai Studio Co. I hope you enjoy the products as much as I enjoy creating it.

XOXO Nish ^_^